Sorry homies i went missing for a while, no excuses shall be referenced. Just know that soon ima make a come back like jordan did in the 90's...i wana be i wana be like mike!!!! its gona be sick...Ima customize the site, add a calender of all the art exhibits in the burbs and sum in the city...Expect good things from my updates soon-mai frends!!!
Friday, December 3, 2010
I went M.I.A!!
Sorry homies i went missing for a while, no excuses shall be referenced. Just know that soon ima make a come back like jordan did in the 90's...i wana be i wana be like mike!!!! its gona be sick...Ima customize the site, add a calender of all the art exhibits in the burbs and sum in the city...Expect good things from my updates soon-mai frends!!!
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Death,Destruction or annihilation?..
i leave you with a video i created about the bp oil spill..enjoy..warning not for the weak of heart.. special thanks to Neto!!! thanks g! from h
Luis Sahagun,
oil rig,
oil spill
Monday, August 9, 2010
El Chapulin Colorado Vs. Superman..My first digital work

Ok, so im excited to post this...Its my first digital painting..I think I can call it, it was a combination of sketching, Photoshop, Cobalt, Poser, and Illustrator..I think thats all I used..Its mostly photoshop work tho...It falls into the pop art work that ive been working on..Im tryin to have a decent enough body of work in that theme before I move on to something else...and to be honest theres alot more ideas...haha..Its like if im doin everything I wanted to do wen I was a little kid!!
I used to diligently collect x-men cards...I saved up all my dinero..aka mula to buy these cards.!! and my absolute favorite were the ones titled: Wolverines greatest battles!! they was sick!!! Wolverine would appear fighting, the hulk, spiderman, abviously sabretooth, etc..they were the best thing life had to offer me at my age..still is actually haha with the excetion of guess who?...jajaj Mr. Red Grasshopper!!!
EL CHAPULIN COLORADO, Ay wey...wey ay...With his pastillas de chiquitolina...he used to crack me up..anyways this piece titled: Culture Clash represents my mind my inner battle of being mexican american...which is better?...why how?..are they that in this peice its my inner thoughts being released in the only way i know version of an ultra fleer comic card...El chpulin colorado vs Superman the man of steel...americas favorite hero...a clash till the death?..
you guys should read the back side of the card and tell me what you think of the would you cahnge the outcome?..or would you? would be appreciated fellas..n ladiiies!!!
nothing is set on still working on modyfin the story line!!
hope you enjoy me art!!
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Art on Tracks..Today!!!! Saturday august 7th!!! oh yea 2010..

Art on Track is aboard an eight-car CTA train filled with ART!!!!! It goes around the city of shee kago!!! Genius, genius, genius, it sound like so much fun!!! here is the link if you wana be a part of this awesome event!!!
GSU and Manilow sculpture Park!!
Heres a glimpse at a painting that Javier Chavira is or shall I saw was working on...its currently finished!! Its so sick!!! it stands at about 6 feet tall and about 4 feet wide...i took a drawing class at governor state university in the summer under the guidance of Javier..It was alot of fun and I got to see javiers work develop step by step..because his work studio was in the same place as the class!!
Anways thought id share this with you guys, he is working on a series of work to add to this piece..imagine walkin in to a gallery with such huge paintings!! and I dnt need to obviously emphesis the quality and genuity ( i know i cant spell :( ) of his work!! i have said it over n over the guys a bad ass!! jaja
AND...AND.. If you guys havent visited the Manilow sculpture park which is at governors state university in university park..then you are all missin out..the sculpture park is has 26 scultpures and you can walk around them, touch them, jump in them!!, sleep in them...watev, It's a great place to go chill and relax..and to enjoy the summer with some amazing sculptures..i posted sum pics ive taken of this place...for more info go to
and if you want to check out Javier Chaviras website here it is

Thursday, August 5, 2010
Luis?.."el mexican Senor Bob Ross"..

It was an awesome experience!! It was my first time doin such a thing and it was fun!! although I'll tell you jk The kids where a tough crowd for a little bit, but for the most part their excitement made it worth while!!! So i posted sum pics of me painting for da little humans :)
Aww man I bet I sounded like Senor Bob Ross...I was like ...lets paint a happy little space monkey that flies around in Oooooh, that is a happy mistake...the monkey likes bananas?..lets paint him a haha actually it was alot more fun painting and talkin at the same time..not like at home..maybe I should apply this strategy when I paint alone at home!! jaja ay wey!!
i hope You guys enjoy the pics!!!! and my cute little vest as my jerk friend commented on the pic once :(

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

WATTUP!! I havent been doin mucho writin lately, cuz i been doin mucho working..haha check it out there are two juried shows coming up at Union Street Gallery (where I intern)..Its a great way to show your art, if ur an artist that is :)
So if any of you guys are interested...all you gotta do is go to and download the prospectus and follow the guidlines there!!!! you pickin up what im putting down!!!
hope you guys all submit!!!! I know I will!!!
oh and arriva las chivas!!
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
My Childhood Heroes...

yikes i better stop hypin this project up..don't wana dissapoint anyone... its just alot of fun to make!! Im takin my childhood heroes and setting them up in a way that is super dynamic...dynamic i tell ya!!
I should be done with this project in a couple of weeks, I'll post up the final renderings..
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Union Street Gallery, Chicago Heights IL, Presents its 6th Annual “A Little Garden Art” Garden Walk July 10, 9am-3pm.
Union Street Gallery, Chicago Heights IL, Presents its 6th Annual “A Little Garden Art” Garden Walk July 10, 9am-3pm.
Come check out 10 of the most beautiful and unique gardens in Chicago Heights, Flossmoor, Frankfort and Olympia Fields. Hosted by volunteers, gardeners and Union Street Gallery’s own working artists..
Theres nothing that compliments a beautiful day so well than a garden walk!! So Guys stop being lame and bring ur ladies to this event..Its a great opportunity for a date!!! Don't miss out, its your chance to show a bit of class to ur ur welcome!!!
Tickets are 20 bucks!!! and check it so excited i cant even type..FREE COFFEE AND DOUGHNUTS!!!!!!!! wah? wah?...I luv me sum cafe..and suga!!
To purchase tickets you can either visit the UNION STREET GALLERY in person at 1527 otto blvd...or you can go to the website and use paypal to get the tickets..or you can also call the gallery at 708. 754.2601 ask for jessica..the administrator there.
Another awesome thing about this garden walk is there are gona be artist at the gardens painting, writing, and taking pics.. so all around its a great chance to experience something new around this area.
The event is July 10, 2010..everyone will meet at the Union Street Gallery for again..FREE COFFEE AND DOUGHNUTS.. at 845 am then it will kick off...there will be maps provided for eveyone to visit the designated gardens in the south subs!!!
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Synergy. exhibition at praire state collge!

Check it out!! Praire State College presents UNION STREET ARTISTS!!! The opening reception is manana..June 24, from 430- 730 pm..Go support the Union Street Artist!! You can check out a glimpse of their work on facebook...just search for Union Street Gallery..and become a fan if you are not one already :) This is a beautiful gallery NO JOKE!!! anyways the artist are gona have their work at the PSC Gallery.. the show runs from fune 24 to July 29, 2010...
here is sum info on the PSC gallery
Christopher Art Gallery
202 south halsted street, chicago heights Il 60411
Hours: monday thru thurs 9am to 3pm
wed and thurs 5-7pm
and by is there numero if you wana hit them up!! 708-709-3636
HOPE YOU GUYS CAN MAKE IT OUT!! Like always you know Ill be there!!!
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Sol-a-bration!! @ Gov state University FREE FUN FOR ALL!! JUNE 19TH!!

Wattup g dawgs..I havent written here in a bit, with this whole world cup mania...who can still live their normal lives??..I know crazy!! anyways..check this out!! in university park there is gona be an AWESOME event this coming saturday..seriously you CANNOT MISS THIS!! The Manilow Sculpture Park in university Park/Governor State University is hosting the even called Sol-a-bration..Its fun for the whole familia!! FREE admission, FREE parking, and FREE FUN!! haha Theres gona be workshops for kids, like building kits, makins sculptures, and taking pics...For adults there will be Live music!! jazz, Orchestra and sum other stuffaroonie..all free so come check it out!!
The Manilow Sculpture Park is a Sculpture Park..hence the name...hehe so yes!! that means art!!!!!! Scultptures!! sculptures and sum more sculptures!! You can get a free tour or walk by a sculpture on your own and there will be stationary docents at each one...i believe...
As a matter of fact..I will be a docent at one sculpture!!! yes ma'am!!! Me a docent...wha wha!! Ima be at the sculpture titled "House Divided" (pic located above) by Bruce Nauman, a big time artist now..So if ur in the area and wana hang out saturday..come say, hello, hola, ke onda wey, konishiwa, we we..watev..
If you guys do go, can you bring me sum tacos..cuz u know i be houngry!!! fo sho!!
For More Info check out the Manilow Sculpture Park..heres the link G
also heres the contact info for the park..if yo uhave questions call them or hit me up here thru email or a comment..watev.
Nathan Manilow Sculpture Park
Governors State University1
University ParkwayUniversity Park, IL 60484-0975
phone: 708.534.4486
Serious Note!! This is a BEAUTIFUL Park!! Come support the community and have some free fun while ur at it! Its gona be a blast!!! bring ur kids!! save on the babysitter fees too!! wat more you guys want?..need a ride call me!! lol
here is a random video..just cuz its fun!!
Friday, June 4, 2010
Common Ground, Diverse Approaches: Works on Paper exhibition at Tall Grass

Tall Grass Arts Association is having an exhibition titled Common Ground, Diverse Approaches:Works on Paper...RUNS til June 27, 2010 of course :) I have actually been to this show twice!! Its a small but nice showing, Some artist diplayed one artwork while others displayed 3 or more..Some of the artist include, Javier Chavira (labeled bad ass from ispeakart ) Jeff Stevenson ( life coach and professor) and Sergio Gomez (professor) ..and alot more!!
For more info check out this link!!
For more info on Javier Chavira check out his website!!
For more info on Jeff Stevenson Check out his website too!!!

Thursday, May 27, 2010
Raphael's "Donna Velata"@ Milwaukee, wi...

Check it out!! One of the most famous art pieces of the Italian Renaissance is only a few hours away from us!!! Its in Milwaukee, WI...This piece was created in the early Renaissance 1516, raphael did it in responce to sum painting of a lady by sum guy call leonardo da..vinci..sumthing like dat..hehe the lady was Mona...last name of cheesy but watev.. u get what im sayin..big time painting in the midwest..! Ima def try and check it out this coming day!! fo shizzle and the weather is supposed to be it should prove to be a nice getta away! the exhibition runs until June 6th!!! so hurry up there and check it out!!
For those people that like drama fo yo mama..I guess this painting was rumored to be the artist mistress,,,ay wey..there should be a mexican novela about it...haha it would be a hit..I can see it now..el artista ke le puso los cuernos a su vieja...translation..the dude dat cheated in his honey..jaja anyways thought Id throw that out there!! U ask me I think its a pretty dumb move by Senor raphael to paint his mistress, no?..well, not so dumb since its among the most famous piece eva!! shows how much i know huh?.. :( Well, he is famous now, but i bet he was living in the dog house back then cuz his lady prob..snapped!!! lol Like them crazy ladies on jerry springer..!!lol ok ok ok thats enough.. Let me kno if you guys head that way!!
For more info go to ...
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Unions Street Gallery Presents H-F exhibition!!!

Melissa Huang (left)
Alexia Teichman (left)
Tim Testroet (left)
Homewood-Flossmoor high school Student exhibition at the Unions Street Gallery!! ONE DAY EVENT!!! Friday May 21 from 6pm-9pm!! Come check it out!! should be a fun one, USG is prob gona put a hold on the wine tho..hehe but beverages and snacks are a must so come on in and support these youngsters!! bring sum singles to donate to the gallery!! I bet they appreciate it!! ima do all i can to attend, so feel free to say hola wey to me!! fo sho :) For more always check out the USG website..
orale holmes, See you guys there!!!!!
Friday, May 7, 2010
Check out my first paintings eva!!!

So I said to myself..myself just do whateva makes u happy G...and so i did, I just started coming up with ideas of paintings that I would have fun doin..and I came up with a litte tribute to senor warhola!!! I took his campbells soup and added sum mexican spice to it!! Frijoles...beans!! and I took his madonna and turned into into glo's big dome (george lopez) !!!jaja
Y would do such a thing..if you guys know me than you know I always at least have to be a bit conceptual..and here are the reasons..very simple!! A). pop art is FUN!! B). I wanted to do art about what I know! becuz that gives me the confidence that I need to create it..and C). well, shit if I dnt do it ..who will.. i gotta represent!!! Viva
So why George Lopez..or Glo as he has been called..Becuz he is a good representative of a popular Mexican the U.S.of A. Come on!! he had his own sitcom and now a late night show!! u cant really get more popular than that!! He does a great job and stays somewhat humble to his roots!! SOMEWHAT!!! thats right lopez. I said it and what!!??
First he comes out with his stand up solo called Americas mexican..and other solo shows where he is Mexican..and captures an mexican audiance...and then bang!!!all of a sudden for his show he's mexican american..then bang for his late night show hes a chicano....whoa whoa whoa george..calmate wey!! first of all george?..not haha had to throw that out there..dnt get me wrong i like glo.. alot!! im just saying that he went from mexican chicano..and in a way that is genius cuz now he has captured most of those audiances..I say most cuz well my mom and dad dnt know who da hell he is..In their eyes he will never be a Luis de alba...haha o resortes..( two famous mexican..full blown mexican comedians)..but he doesnt have to be cuz we are in the usa and thats not his audience..
So im draggin on and on sorry guys!! so in a is a perfect example of a popular mexican american..(or chicano) my opinion anyways!
Then comes la preferida bean can..well wen people asked andy why he painted campbells soup hes said cuz he liked and ate those soups..he just liked them its that in my eyes..the equivalant of that for mexicans..wait wait..mexican no no no no no wait..pochos!! jaja is a can of not being a not..a can of soup or a can of beans are common in that they both are it up heat it up and bang..ur all gravy..quick meal..So I like beans..i eat beans..thus i paint them..its just that simple! together the pieces can represent assimilation into the united states and/or how our culture is gaining more exposure and acceptance into the USA. I mean come on I went to the chicago white sox game on cinco de mayo and they had mariachi and a guys singin chente..!! i was confused.. was this a chivas game, or wah?..jaja so its cool..!! bring on the culture awareness people and if u want to write a report on mexicans just email me and ill give u a briefing, ay wey!!
by the way if ur a single mexican guy/girl that likes beans and doesnt have time to cook or boil them..its cool keep buyin the not hatin!! do ur thing like a chicken wing!!
again im just painting what I see and what I know. Dare and challenge me..go A wise man I know said artist do art about what they know..he couldnt be more correct..!! I shall leave you with sum pics of my work..and come and check them out personally!! Support the community and show me sum luvin!! again..the work is at UNION STREET GALLERY, LOCATED AT 1527 OTTO BLVD, CHICAGO HEIGHTS, IL 60FOUR11..opening reception is MAY 14TH!!!!!!! bring some dolla billa yo and donate to the gallery and recieve free admission and free drinks...water, pop..or soda, wine, beer...and some finger food..cant beat it!! hope to see you all there!!!! oh y arriva las chivas!!!

BOTTOM: America's New Chicano

Andy Warhols Work!
Wednesday, April 28, 2010

I gotz a "Sneak Peak" for you all of the "PAIRS" exhibition at USG..Union Street Gallery dat is, at 1527 otto blvd..a block southeast of St. James Hospital...Take the opportunity to see my work!! I have the honor of saying my work is being displayed at USG along with 23 other local artist!! The theme is Pairs- Two pieces that relate to eachother in form, color, composition, size, etc...u pickin up wah im putting down?..Comprendes mendes wey!!

The show started April 23 and will be up until May 15!!! opening/closing reception will be on the 14th, you guys all know the booze and great art..and bring donation money!! help keep this great gallery up n running!!
So check it out, my art is "pop art" not like soda!! like popular..its like if andy warhol got stuck at the villita (26th street in da city)..haha or hek even here at the hill (in da heights)..My works about mexican American pop culture emergin into our americana society! surprise surprise..a mexican talking about mexicans...not new..but before you judge let me reminder I used to be an ametuer boxer and I can drop ur face!! naw jk But for real its almost a cliche but it was fun to do And Ill talk about why i did it and what it means in another post!!

You can also find great paintings, by the galleries studio and Guild artist!! lots of nice and amazing work, for reals..come check it out!!'ll find some amazing pastel work by Marikay Witlock, Large scale portraits by Patty McWilliams, Colorful arranged acrylic paintings by Roger Paris, gorgeous drawings and paintings by Lane Hanyes and inspiring sculptural pieces by Renee so so so so much more...i cant name em all you gotta come check em out for urselfs.. !! let me know what you guys think!!adios!!
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
No Summer on Euclid

Adios shikago heis!! I'm outta my home town for who knows how long...enterin the town of Dyer, indiana. Sad times, I write this blog on euclid ave where I will certainly not endure the summer solstice..I will be in indiana :( oh well!!! haha so I posted sum pics of the seasons that I have lived in during my years here on euclid ave..about 15 to be exact!!
From the very first time I got "jumped" in this side of the feeling i got returning from college..i will miss it all!! Lets not forget the po po siren, the ambulances and of course the drug dealing!!! Oh and dont forget the dam crazy neighbors yelling their personal problems at 3 am on a tuesday night..It will all be missed!!
Oh and joaquin the straying doggie that visits me outta the blue, whos gona feed him now??..oh no should i kidnap him to assure his well being?..hmmm not sure I can handle having three dogs..better not pick up another one!! oh man!! i wnt be able to listen Cypress Hill and Control machete while drinking a forty of King Cobra on my front porch...ugh I guess the saying holds true..u dnt know what u have until its gone.. :(
Well Its time to create new memories...everything has a beginning and an ending, so bring it on indiana!! Lets see what we can create :)
i will still be hangin out much out here in chicago heights!! So dnt trip potato chip!! I'll still be seen around town!!
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Between Fragmentation..Creative works by Diane J. McGarel!!

You know those large buildings, usually made of bricks...our grade school teachers used to take us their on field trips..what they be called??..oh yea LIBRARIES!!! you can rent books for free!!! holy crap free books to learn from at our disposal?..the possibilities are endless!!! whoa..ok ok its late sry and im defff running low on weew it is amiee goes..Diane Mcgarel, a fellow guild artist at the union street gallery is having her first solo show at the FRANKFORT LIBRARY..The address is 21119 S. Pfeiffer road, Frankfort Illinois 60411...Go show her some love and while ur at it, pick up a book..better yet, pick up a dozen books, and stop playin playstation!!! thats right i said it, read!! anyways, Fo shizzle!! ima try n go up there tomorrow morning to do some studying and appreciate dianes work!!! I stole some pics of hers from her facebook, to show you guys, I hope she doesnt mind...yikes..either way, if she sues im broke so she'll be stuck with my school loans..haha :) jk im not but i am :) :)

Her work is interesting, I havent quite figured it out yet, but its def worth checking a=out and I'll prob post more about it once I see her work!!! I believe she also has a work of hers at the current art exhibit at the union...ok ok its late me be tired... peace out holmes!!! " a la camita!!a la camita!!!!" haha topo gigio!! totally random n weird sry..laterz!!
oh wait the show runs from March 2nd to March 30th!! alomost forgot..sorry people!!
Ay wey!! my visit to the union street show!! Image Impression Attitude..

Me gusta vivir ke me amargo la vida?..perro bichi y mujeriego...eeeeuuui!!!.eui eui eui...haha banda el recodo in da morning, now thats a way to wake up!!!ay wey this has got to be the earliest i've written in this blog..whoaa 10 am..yikes!!! And only one pint of coffee thus far, 5 more to go..hehe So this past friday was the openeing reception to the art show at union street art gallery in da heights!! This was by far the best show I have seen there in a while..granted i havent been to many, but I just enjoyed the diverse pieces!! Sum good stuff there, and yo uguys still have time to go check it out! There were pieces super large!! These pieces were paintings, acrylic I believe, but dnt hold me to it.. One of my favorite pieces, was the installation done by randy (pic above..guy with white stripped shirt) You know it was just fun..A bit thought provokin, but mostly fun for me, and I havent seen work like that around here so its always fun to break thru the traditional, paintings...The guy made the trip from kentucky I believe..So Thats cool,- thats what national event do..bring in people from around da states!!
there were other cool, pieces, like a kinetic sculpture by jonah ( i think dats how u spell his name) you would insert a quarter and then this fish and hook things would move up n down..i took a video I'll try to post it up here if i can..that was fun!! Unfortunately I had to leave early from the reception So I wasnt there to hear the victors names be announced..So if you guys wana know who won, ur gona have to go check it out for yourselves...Im wondering who they were..
hopefully my absolute favorite piece won..Its the huge painting in the pic above..titled, fear factor vs. cops...Its awesome to see work at that scale..a huge scale..although sometimes its overdone..the size of the image should be representative of what your goal of the piece is ..dnt just go large to impact cuz it sure as hell can back fire!!! haha it'll sound like a drive by at the jay kay!! But for real this piece fit the theme well, it was obviously well done and it stirred up some controvery which I luvvv to do!! cops!! everyone knows that woed alone is
the show will be up for a lot longer, go to their website for more
Heres the video..!! the guys name is jonah, he has more similar work..ill post more of his stuff so you can go check it out in person!!
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
new exhibit at Union street gallery!! Friday!!!

Ke pedo weyes!! translation..wassup mules...haha ok so theres a new exhibit set and ready to go for friday march 12..aka this friday night from 6-9 pm!! The pic above is a sculpture done by one of the greatest artist of all times..haha jk it was made by me :D Its titled "gluttony"..I thought it was appropriate for the theme Image attitude impression..which is the theme for the show at USG..!! ok so I know I sound like a broken record and say good things all the time..but for reals holmes, this is a very great show..I promise!! If you attend you will find, various sized paintings, a kinetic "fun" sculpture (bring ur quarters), installations, black and white drawings, and alot of cool peeps and mucho wine!! This is going to be a great show and I hope you can all make it!! Visit Union street gallery's website for a preview of the show!!! heres the link ..Oh almost forgot!! There will also be a shoppin area for those people that like vintage clothes and such!!! The Art Gallery is in chicago heights! For the address go to the link provided..but if you are a follower of this blog you should be familiar with this gallery.. Hope to see you guys there!!!!
Monday, February 22, 2010

But Have NO FEAR!! Luis is here!! haha (i dunno y i said that?) anyways, I made it my job today and in the past few weeks, to forcefully fall in love with snow once again..Bring my imagination to the test and keep an open mind about the snow that covers ur car, makes u shiver, gives you back aches, and even makes u fall on ur ass and make a fool of urself (just like pretty girls in fifth grade..) So i took some pics af snow and snowy stuff around my casa pueblo..aka home town :) enjoy holmes!!
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