Wattup g dawgs..I havent written here in a bit, with this whole world cup mania...who can still live their normal lives??..I know crazy!! anyways..check this out!! in university park there is gona be an AWESOME event this coming saturday..seriously you CANNOT MISS THIS!! The Manilow Sculpture Park in university Park/Governor State University is hosting the even called Sol-a-bration..Its fun for the whole familia!! FREE admission, FREE parking, and FREE FUN!! haha Theres gona be workshops for kids, like building kits, makins sculptures, and taking pics...For adults there will be Live music!! jazz, Orchestra and sum other stuffaroonie..all free so come check it out!!
The Manilow Sculpture Park is a Sculpture Park..hence the name...hehe so yes!! that means art!!!!!! Scultptures!! sculptures and sum more sculptures!! You can get a free tour or walk by a sculpture on your own and there will be stationary docents at each one...i believe...
As a matter of fact..I will be a docent at one sculpture!!! yes ma'am!!! Me a docent...wha wha!! Ima be at the sculpture titled "House Divided" (pic located above) by Bruce Nauman, a big time artist now..So if ur in the area and wana hang out saturday..come say, hello, hola, ke onda wey, konishiwa, we we..watev..
If you guys do go, can you bring me sum tacos..cuz u know i be houngry!!! fo sho!!
For More Info check out the Manilow Sculpture Park..heres the link G http://www.govst.edu/sculpture/default.aspx?id=28186&ekmensel=c580fa7b_72_74_28186_1#
also heres the contact info for the park..if yo uhave questions call them or hit me up here thru email or a comment..watev.
Nathan Manilow Sculpture Park
Governors State University1
University ParkwayUniversity Park, IL 60484-0975
phone: 708.534.4486
Serious Note!! This is a BEAUTIFUL Park!! Come support the community and have some free fun while ur at it! Its gona be a blast!!! bring ur kids!! save on the babysitter fees too!! wat more you guys want?..need a ride call me!! lol
here is a random video..just cuz its fun!!
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