So I said to myself..myself just do whateva makes u happy G...and so i did, I just started coming up with ideas of paintings that I would have fun doin..and I came up with a litte tribute to senor warhola!!! I took his campbells soup and added sum mexican spice to it!! Frijoles...beans!! and I took his madonna and turned into into glo's big dome (george lopez) !!!jaja
Y would do such a thing..if you guys know me than you know I always at least have to be a bit conceptual..and here are the reasons..very simple!! A). pop art is FUN!! B). I wanted to do art about what I know! becuz that gives me the confidence that I need to create it..and C). well, shit if I dnt do it ..who will.. i gotta represent!!! Viva Mexico....no?..ja.ja.ja.ja
So why George Lopez..or Glo as he has been called..Becuz he is a good representative of a popular Mexican American..in the U.S.of A. Come on!! he had his own sitcom and now a late night show!! u cant really get more popular than that!! He does a great job and stays somewhat humble to his roots!! SOMEWHAT!!! thats right lopez. I said it and what!!??
First he comes out with his stand up solo called Americas mexican..and other solo shows where he is Mexican..and captures an mexican audiance...and then bang!!!all of a sudden for his show he's mexican american..then bang for his late night show hes a chicano....whoa whoa whoa george..calmate wey!! first of all george?..not jorge...lol haha had to throw that out there..dnt get me wrong i like glo.. alot!! im just saying that he went from mexican..to mexican american..to chicano..and in a way that is genius cuz now he has captured most of those audiances..I say most cuz well my mom and dad dnt know who da hell he is..In their eyes he will never be a Luis de alba...haha o resortes..( two famous mexican..full blown mexican comedians)..but he doesnt have to be cuz we are in the usa and thats not his audience..
So im draggin on and on sorry guys!! so in a nutshell..george is a perfect example of a popular mexican american..(or chicano) comedian..to my opinion anyways!
Then comes la preferida bean can..well wen people asked andy why he painted campbells soup hes said cuz he liked and ate those soups..he just liked them its that simple..so in my eyes..the equivalant of that for mexicans..wait wait..mexican americans..no no wait...chicanos...no no no no no wait..pochos!! jaja is a can of beans..im not being a hater..im not..a can of soup or a can of beans are common in that they both are convenient..open it up heat it up and bang..ur all gravy..quick meal..So I like beans..i eat beans..thus i paint them..its just that simple! together the pieces can represent assimilation into the united states and/or how our culture is gaining more exposure and acceptance into the USA. I mean come on I went to the chicago white sox game on cinco de mayo and they had mariachi and a guys singin chente..!! i was confused.. was this a chivas game, or wah?..jaja so its cool..!! bring on the culture awareness people and if u want to write a report on mexicans just email me and ill give u a briefing,...lol ay wey!!
by the way if ur a single mexican guy/girl that likes beans and doesnt have time to cook or boil them..its cool keep buyin the cans..im not hatin!! do ur thing like a chicken wing!!
again im just painting what I see and what I know. Dare and challenge me..go ahead..lol A wise man I know said artist do art about what they know..he couldnt be more correct..!! I shall leave you with sum pics of my work..and come and check them out personally!! Support the community and show me sum luvin!! again..the work is at UNION STREET GALLERY, LOCATED AT 1527 OTTO BLVD, CHICAGO HEIGHTS, IL 60FOUR11..opening reception is MAY 14TH!!!!!!! bring some dolla billa yo and donate to the gallery and recieve free admission and free drinks...water, pop..or soda, wine, beer...and some finger food..cant beat it!! hope to see you all there!!!! oh y arriva las chivas!!!

BOTTOM: America's New Chicano

Andy Warhols Work!