It was an awesome experience!! It was my first time doin such a thing and it was fun!! although I'll tell you what..what...lol jk The kids where a tough crowd for a little bit, but for the most part their excitement made it worth while!!! So i posted sum pics of me painting for da little humans :)
Aww man I bet I sounded like Senor Bob Ross...I was like ...lets paint a happy little space monkey that flies around in space...lol Oooooh, that is a happy mistake...the monkey likes bananas?..lets paint him a banana..lol haha actually it was alot more fun painting and talkin at the same time..not like at home..maybe I should apply this strategy when I paint alone at home!! jaja ay wey!!
i hope You guys enjoy the pics!!!! and my cute little vest as my jerk friend commented on the pic once :(

Mr. Luis "Bob" Ross, quisiera saber donde puedo conseguir un chalequito de esos??? me encanta se lo robaste a uno de los Hobbits de Lord of the rings?
ReplyDeletejaja ke mamucho el sol wey!! Dat is a very creative burn mai fren..nicely done!! i have no response..just to my deffense.. i really like that vest :D