Tuesday, March 6, 2012

G.I JOE- COBRA "In progress"

SOOoo im drawing a 5 foot tall Cobra G.I Joe soldier..it is about 95 % done, I need to go back in and render things a bit tighter (in some areas). this was truly a project about process, and alot of time management. Working 2 jobs and making time for this project was a challenge. But one that I was able to handle! I divided it into sessions, a total of 7 session to add up to roughly 25 hours or drawing time. YIKES!

Its actually about the time it takes for me to do a painting as well, actually a painting probably takes alot longer! anyways, this was nuts, it was fun and i hope people like it. I have been getting pretty good responses from the people that have seen it thus far! So i Hope some more of that to come.

OK! concept: the idea is about. how "life" represented by the COBRA soldier  is brutal! so when we are children, our way of coping with problems is through play-  play becomes our meditation.   Our childhood however gets almost raped and attacked by real life tragedies and this is what the toy represents.  this piece is only 1/3 done I will have more soldiers in a Swat like position getting ready to attack more happy toys, video game and cartoon characters.  So hopefully there will be a huge contrast between color in the piece and also happy vs evil.

At this point the toy by itself doesnt convey the message- so for now its a piece that may be shown alone, kinda becomes a one liner.. but i think its still effective by itself, its drawn well enough to stand alone. People are sucked into it because the fact thats its a drawing of a huge toy! people can relate to it, and you can even argue that conclusions could be made as to what this toy (alone) represents. I think its successful. well see what others believe.

what do you all believe??!

1 comment:

  1. I can see my little one loving this! its alot taller than him, but he loves little toy soldiers!
