I gotz a "Sneak Peak" for you all of the "PAIRS" exhibition at USG..Union Street Gallery dat is, at 1527 otto blvd..a block southeast of St. James Hospital...Take the opportunity to see my work!! I have the honor of saying my work is being displayed at USG along with 23 other local artist!! The theme is Pairs- Two pieces that relate to eachother in form, color, composition, size, etc...u pickin up wah im putting down?..Comprendes mendes wey!!

The show started April 23 and will be up until May 15!!! opening/closing reception will be on the 14th, you guys all know the drill...free booze and great art..and bring donation money!! help keep this great gallery up n running!!
So check it out, my art is "pop art"..no not like soda!! like popular..its like if andy warhol got stuck at the villita (26th street in da city)..haha or hek even here at the hill (in da heights)..My works about mexican American pop culture emergin into our americana society! surprise surprise..a mexican talking about mexicans...not new..but before you judge let me reminder I used to be an ametuer boxer and I can drop ur face!! naw jk But for real its almost a cliche but it was fun to do And Ill talk about why i did it and what it means in another post!!

You can also find great paintings, by the galleries studio and Guild artist!! lots of nice and amazing work, for reals..come check it out!! http://www.unionstreetgallery.org/ ....you'll find some amazing pastel work by Marikay Witlock, Large scale portraits by Patty McWilliams, Colorful arranged acrylic paintings by Roger Paris, gorgeous drawings and paintings by Lane Hanyes and inspiring sculptural pieces by Renee Nordstrom....so so so so so much more...i cant name em all you gotta come check em out for urselfs.. !! let me know what you guys think!!adios!!