Ahh!! More snow?! To me snow is like wen ur in fifth grade and you see this super duper hot girl in ur class, and shes sooo pretty that ur stomach swirls and feels "funny"..Then wen u go to say "
hi, do you like stuff?" she spits and uppercuts u in YO fACE!! Ouch huh?! exactly that is snow in a nutshell! Look at paul in the pic above, hes just dam upset he needs to shovel all this damm snow again..I feel ya homie!! Snow is so beautifual and its so puwitty to see it fall onto ur car and driveway, but then wen you go say hi, pretty snow, you realize its monday and u gottta shovel all that dam driveway before you leave ur casa!! ahh.. reality is ur not a kid anymore and makin snowmen, is not in today's agenda..(sadly)..

But Have NO FEAR!! Luis is here!! haha (i dunno y i said that?) anyways, I made it my job today and in the past few weeks, to forcefully fall in love with snow once again..Bring my imagination to the test and keep an open mind about the snow that covers ur car, makes u shiver, gives you back aches, and even makes u fall on ur ass and make a fool of urself (just like pretty girls in fifth grade..) So i took some pics af snow and snowy stuff around my casa pueblo..aka home town :) enjoy holmes!!